Thursday, April 19, 2018

Tác động của Trung Quốc đến chính sách của phương Tây đối với châu Phi

Driven by its own energy demands that are exponentially increasing as a result of its booming economy China has already begun extensively to play the field in Africa by offering a mix of loans on generous terms, debt forgiveness, assistance with infrastructure development, and its assistance does not come with political conditionality. These have helped China to make significant political and economic inroads into the continent. Thus, China’s move has inevitably challenged the westerns’ role as the main trading partner and donor on the continent. Accordingly, the westerns have begun to understand that China’s paces could only be halted by further cementing their relationship with the African countries’ governments. Therefore, this article’s principal argument is that China’s extensive aid, loan and investment in Africa are compelling the West to adjust their lingering old-fashioned and dysfunctional stand on prioritizing ‘democracy and human right’ terms for African economic development.

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