Sunday, December 17, 2017

Our 10 most popular research papers of 2017

1.  Socio-economic Problems Facing Africa: Insights from six APRM Country Review Reports (SAIIA, 2009)

2.  An analysis of Nigerian foreign policy: the evolution of political paranoia (SAIIA, 1983)

3. Zimbabwe's Current Socio-Economic and Political Situation: Challenges and Prospects (OSSREA, 2003)

4. Understanding the Causes and Impacts of Conflicts in the Northern Region of Ghana (IEA Ghana, 2009)

5. Climate Change in Ghana: Impacts on Agriculture and the Policy Implications (IEA Ghana, 2013)

6. The Impact of China-Africa Investment Relations: Case study of Ethiopia (AERC, 2010)

7. The Impact of Democracy on Development: The Case of South Africa (CPS, 2009)

8. Globalisation and Development in Zambia: Challenges and Prospects (OSSREA, 2001)

9. Challenges to the Growth of Capital Markets in Underdeveloped Economies: The Case for Uganda (Trust Africa, 2013)

10. The role of multinational corporations in South Africa (SAIIA, 1979)

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