Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Quan hệ Trung Quốc-Địa Trung Hải

Báo cáo ChinaMed 2019 do Enrico Fardella và Andrea Ghiselli chỉnh sửa có sẵn.

Nó chứa những đóng góp sau đây liên quan đến châu Phi:

- The Belt and Road Initiative: A View from Morocco by Mostafa Rezrazi, Policy Center for the New South
- The One Belt One Road: A Framework for Egyptian-Chinese Strategic Partnership by Mohamed Fayez Farahat, Al-Ahram Center for Political and Strategic Studies
- A Glimpse View on China-Ethiopia Relations in Recent Times by Maadin Sahleselassie Gessese, Ministry of Finance and Economic Cooperation.

Dowload here

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